Perseverance and Grit

On most days my alarm goes off at 4:30 am. I know that I am not alone, many educators have their alarms set for 4:30 or even earlier. Most evenings I'm up and answering emails till 10 pm and sometimes later. Again, I am not alone in this. In between 4:30 and 10 my day is a rapid succession of events that keep me on my toes.

Everyday educators encounter work that makes their job hard. Whether it is a challenging student, a difficult colleague, or a disconnect between the classroom and administration. On a day to day basis educators are doing hard work. The challenges that arise on a daily basis can be linked to the rate of teachers who leave the profession sooner than most would prefer. Difficulties can cause a teacher to second guess their work and unfortunately that doubt often leads to a less effective teacher.

The great educators get up every morning fully aware of the challenges ahead. 4:30 am is not so they can shower and eat breakfast at a slower pace, but a chance for them to strategically plan how they are going to attack the day's work. By the time they get into school and meet their first challenge, they are prepared. Great educators are not naive enough to believe that their day will go smoothly, but they are confident that the hard work ahead of them is surmountable. Even when yesterday was hard work their passion for students and student education keeps them going.

A great teacher has grit! Watch the Ted Talk from Angela Lee Duckworth on the importance of grit in education. After watching get back the the great, and HARD work that is education.


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